Start time requirements must be specified in the ‘Entry Note’ field, in the format listed below. If you don’t have access rights to ORIS, note will be enrolled from your club system.
Requests in different format won’t be accepted. Please use in moderation, and only if necessary.
Format start(Sx, requirement, reg)
x – stage number
requirement – early | late | different | similar
reg – registration number of the second competitor
Any combinations to be separated by a comma. When requesting different or similar start times, enter registration number of the second competitor only. Your registration number is already known.
Please find below examples of the most common requirements together with explanation.
start(S1, late) // the competitor wishes to start as late as possible in S1
start(S123, early) // the competitor wishes to start as soon as possible at all stages
start(S1, late), start(S2, early), start(S3, similar, TUR3333) // The competitor wishes to start as soon as possible in S1, as soon as possible in S2, and similarly to his child TUR3333 in S3
start(S123, different, TUR3333) // the competitor wishes to have a different start times from the other parent TUR3333 at all stages, e.g. due to babysitting
start(S123, different, TUR3333), start(S2, early) // the competitor wishes to have a different start times from the other parent TUR3333 at all stages, e.g. due to babysitting, and in addition, in the second stage he needs an early start.
start(S23, similar, TUR3333), start(S23, similar, TUR4444) // the competitor wishes to have similar start times with two others (e.g. kids) TUR3333 a TUR4444
start(S23, MessageForOrganizer) // try to avoid this, should be used only in exceptional cases if the situation could not be described by the above mentioned rules.