Matěj Klusáček prepared for you a new map of Drábovna for Nice Holidays 2020 that follows orienteering map symbols used in ISOM2017-2. Below you can see an interesting comparison of how the rocks at Drábovna changed. Or rather how the mapping concept changes through the time.
The first sample is from 2000, mapped by Josef Borůvka. This map was used for the very first time during middle distance competition falling to the Czech National Series. Subsequently, it underwent a revision for the purpose of Nice Holidays 2007 and 2012. The middle sample comes from a pen of Petr Uher for Nice Holiday 2016. It is the first map based on lidar data and thus significantly spatially accurate. This map was made especially for a scale 1:7500 with adequately reduced symbols, which was possible at that time, and thus it was mapped to the smallest detail. On the other hand, this map also contains very narrow passages, often difficult to pass. These areas, especially in small-scale printing, have a poorer readability then. The sample on the right, is the one you’ll be dealing with during Nice Holidays 2020. For the first time, the change of the map key clearly defines a scale of 1:7500 as a simple magnification of the base scale 1:15000. Thus, the size of the symbols remains the same and map couldn’t be so easily converted, but had to be completely remapped and significantly generalized. We really like this concept, let’s see how you’ll like it.
Along with this significant generalization, the “stone pits” drawn with a black “V” are also returning. These symbols are used for two types of objects:
1. At the upper level, it marks passages or cracks in the rocks which cannot be climbed. From above, you have to jump them over, go around or avoid them, and ideally do not fall into them as they can be several meters deep. There are certainly no controls! Some inconspicuous and dangerous ones will be marked with tape.
2. The black “V” is also used for less deep but accessible depressions, which are lined with rocks and precipitates. These cannot be drawn in more detail due to legibility issue and generalization. We were not afraid to place controls in such “V”s 😉